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Shanna B. Tiayon

Shanna B. Tiayon is a Social Psychologist (PhD), mental health expert, small business owner and freelance journalist. She writes on topics of wellbeing and the ways we may infringe upon the wellbeing of others. She was a 2022 National Magazine Award Finalist.
Shanna B. Tiayon's Articles
I couldn’t let growing a new business shrink my family’s income. Here’s how I’ve maintained 6-figure stability from day one—even after leaving my day job.  
, September 18, 2024
When I felt like my life was racing out of control, three things became the pit stops that refueled my peace.
, September 4, 2024
Goodbye pimples, cysts and dark spots. Hello clear, soft, supple and luminous skin.
, August 14, 2024
My mom and grandma taught me to do for others. While respecting their loving legacy, I’ve learned to do me.
, April 11, 2024
Are you saving the good sheets for guests, a clothing purchase for when you lose weight or a weekend away for when work slows down? Ask yourself four questions.
, February 14, 2024
We’re only as content as we allow ourselves to be. Make the decision today to increase your happiness threshold.
, January 4, 2024
Just as museums intentionally group experiences of marvel and meaning, we can view and value our own personal journeys as curators to invite beauty and bliss.
, October 13, 2023