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Me Time

When a relationship, job or commitment drains your energy, stepping away from the unfulfilling role may open doors to opportunities and growth, say psychologists.
October 16, 2024
I was praying right along until the minister said in a kind voice, ‘be quiet and just receive.’ I calmly did as I was instructed, my hands raised toward heaven.
, October 9, 2024
When we were younger, our elders called it fighting our sleep. Here’s a likely reason you’re still doing it—and how to stop.
, September 25, 2024
Here’s proof that good people you can count on for comfort, confidences, card games, coffee talk and care in a crisis will show up if you make space for them.
, September 18, 2024
When a health crisis hit and menopause came early, I turned to something in my nightstand drawer to boost my libido – and no, it’s not what you think.
, September 4, 2024
This little item never fails to reduce my stress, help me remember names, and make me happier, so I won’t leave home without one.
, September 4, 2024
When I felt like my life was racing out of control, three things became the pit stops that refueled my peace.
, September 4, 2024
About a month ago, I did a thing. Why I’m loving it (and you might too).
, August 14, 2024
Those who enjoy birding (also known as bird watching) reap certain health benefits greater than those afforded by hiking, nature walks, and forest bathing.
, August 1, 2024
Before your celebration approaches, know which retailers, restaurants and recreational venues offer goodies!
, July 31, 2024
Fancy “glamping” with your girls, exploring the wild via an ATV or RV family adventure, bunking in a boathouse or visiting beaches in Africa or Mexico?
, July 25, 2024
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