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Learn How Ginger May Help You Lose Weight

Compounds in this delicious tea, enjoyed for millennia, may help you burn calories, curb your appetite—even stabilize your blood sugar. Here’s what to know.

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ginger, tea and lemon on green background
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A warm cup of ginger tea can do wonders. Just imagine unwinding while relishing its robust, fresh flavor and spicy aroma. Native to Asia and enjoyed by many for thousands of years, this bold-tasting delight is just the “zing” you need when you’re feeling under the weather, having tummy troubles or simply need to sit down somewhere and “woosah.” But it may also aid in weight loss. Yup, that’s right, sis. A great thing just got even better.

Consult with your doctor before incorporating ginger into your diet.

The “tea” on ginger and weight loss

You’re probably wondering how a single spice like ginger can help you slim down.

Turns out, the real MVP of this plant is the rhizome, the stem that produces the root that’s commonly used in food and herbal medicine. When fresh ginger is heated, the compounds zingerone and shogaol are produced. So, when you consume hot ginger tea, these compounds may be helping your body burn fat, according to a 2017 review published in the journal Molecules. Additionally, ginger’s pungent compounds may help boost your metabolism and curb your appetite due to thermogenesis — the process of heat generation. Bear in mind, this process refers to calorie burning, not the warm sensation you get from drinking a hot beverage.

While more research is needed to confirm ginger’s effects on weight loss, ain’t nothing wrong with firing up the kettle for this steamy drink in the meantime — in moderation, of course (more on that later). But as you’re working to reach your weight loss goals, remember that nothing beats healthy eating and regular physical activity.

More reasons to consume ginger:

  • It may help control fasting blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, it may help reduce pain.
  • Gingerol, another compound found in the plant, could promote healthy digestion.
  • Its antioxidant properties may serve as protection from oxidative stress, an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body that damages cells and tissues. This condition can play a role in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.


While ginger boasts several health benefits, excessive consumption can result in unwanted side effects, including nausea, heartburn and diarrhea. It may also interfere with certain medications, including diabetes, high blood pressure and blood-thinning medications. In general, having a cup of ginger tea daily is safe, but it’s highly recommended to talk to your doctor before introducing anything new to your diet. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, consider being extra cautious.

How to make ginger tea at home:

  • Wash, peel and slice a small portion of fresh ginger in a few pieces.
  • Place the ginger slices in two cups of boiling water and let simmer for five to 10 minutes.
  • Strain and enjoy.
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